Windermere Re Utah - Park Ave
Jim Kelley, Windermere Re Utah - Park AvePhone: (435) 901-1262
Email: [email protected]

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats

by Jim Kelley 03/06/2023

Many plant owners prefer to avoid harsh chemicals in their pest control practices. Luckily, there are plenty of natural methods to combat fungus gnats and other common plant pests. Here are three great ways to get rid of fungus gnats the natural way:

Trap Them With Apple Cider Vinegar & Soap

A simple way to trap adult gnats around your plants is by using some ingredients from your kitchen. Take a shallow dish or pot saucer of at least 1/2 inch deep and fill it with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water. Then, add a few drops of liquid dish soap into the solution and stir it gently to combine the ingredients without creating suds. You can place this trap directly into the soil of the infested plant if it's large enough, otherwise placing it nearby is usually enough to trap and kill the nearby gnats.

Add a Layer of Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is a powdered substance made of fossilized organisms called diatoms. Diatoms' skeletons are rich in silica, a naturally occurring substance used in countless products to absorb moisture. By sprinkling a layer of diatomaceous earth onto the top of your plant's soil, you create a physical barrier to repel fungus gnats. The silica will dry out and destroy their bodies, preventing them from digging and laying their eggs.

Flush the Soil With Mosquito Bits

One of the most frustrating things about fungus gnats is that no matter how many of the adult insects you remove, the soil may still be full of eggs and larvae. While the gnats themselves are mostly a nuisance, the larvae can actually damage your plant's roots if present in large numbers. To deal with pests deep in the soil, many plant owners use a product called mosquito bits. These dried pellets are full of useful bacteria used to control mosquitoes in standing water. By soaking the pellets and making a "tea," you can water your plants as normal while killing off any lurking larvae.

Fungus gnats are common and frustrating, but by employing these methods you can prevent and get rid of them without using harsh chemical insecticides.

About the Author

Jim Kelley

Originally from upstate New York, I moved to Park City soon after college to spread my wings and explore the western United States, taking full advantage of the world class golf courses, beautiful mountains and the greatest snow on earth. 20 years later I am grateful to still call Park City home.

Client experience is my #1 objective. I have a passion for helping people realize their perfect Park City experience. My 22 years of resort management provided me with tremendous opportunity to work with so many different people from all over the world, delivering the services and experiences they desired and facilitating them to take advantage of all Park City has to offer.

Having played, worked and raised three children in Park City, my knowledge runs deep of the community and its surrounding areas, and all they have to offer. I am confident I can help you to find your next dream home in this wonderful community.