Windermere Re Utah - Park Ave
Jim Kelley, Windermere Re Utah - Park AvePhone: (435) 901-1262
Email: [email protected]
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Single FamilyFor Sale
3853 E Rockport Ridge Road
Park City, UT 84098
Listed by: Windermere Re Utah - Park City, (435) 200-4959
MLS: Park City MLS
8,000Sq Ft
Est. Mortgage

Iconic-Irreplaceable-Impressive. These are just a few words that come to mind when describing this piece of art aptly named Cascade. Designed by world-renowned and internationally recognized designer, Wallace Cunningham, this steel, concrete, glass and stone structure cascades artfully along the mountainside. It sits privately on 5.61 view acres within Promontory and adjacent an additional 37.12 acre view corridor available in Rockport Ranches to protect those amazing views of the Park City mountains. This home is filled with impeccable custom furniture, flawless solid walnut doors, massive sheets of glass for windows, a glass & steel elevator & a stunning floating staircase made of floating walnut. The primary surfaces of the home are all covered in Serpentine Verde stone slabs, that have been brushed for the stone floors, polished for the stone counter tops and cleaved faced for the stone walls. A sunken hot tub with fire features, Savant smart home systems, Venetian plaster walls, and a cascading zinc roof are just a few of the extraordinary ingredients that makeup Cascade. One whole wing of the home is dedicated to the three room Primary Suite which is a sanctuary onto itself and is guarded by a massive solid walnut door. The Primary Suite is complete with sitting and media areas, a floating fireplace and endless views. The Primary Bathroom features dual bathrooms, dual sinks, dual dressing areas, a glorious shower and a Japanese soaking tub. Three additional guest rooms on the floor below the Primary Suite showcase incredible en-suite light filled bathrooms and jaw dropping views of the surrounding mountains & lake. An adjacent media room and yoga room gracefully flow from one to another. The grand outdoor terraced patio is heated and large enough to host hundreds of guests in winter, spring, fall and summer. An incredible outdoor space showcasing fire features & mesmerizing vistas of mountains & water! All of this surrounded by a boulder encrusted waterfall

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The multiple listing information is provided by the Park City MLS, Inc., from a copyrighted compilation of listings. The compilation of listings and each individual listing are © 2025 Park City MLS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Access to the multiple listing information through this website is made available by Windermere Re Utah - Park City as a member of the Park City Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Listing Information Last Updated 03/11/2025 07:07 AM
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